Telford and District Amateur
Snooker League
Minutes of meeting held at the Sir John Bayley Club 17th Mar.
Meeting opened 7-40pm
Present. Alan Turner, Rob Withington, Dave Dudley, Andy Kendrick. Noel Hitch. Steve Weatherall, John Rawlings, Kelvin McLeod. Mike Healey. Tony Morgan.
Apologies: Andy Kendrick.
Minutes Proposed, Steve Weatherall, Seconded, John Rawlins.
Matters arising. None.
Chairman’s report No Report.
Treasurers' report. Andy Kendrick said that all teams had paid, nothing else to report.
Secretaries report None.
Competition Secretaries report.
- Comps are all progressing well, down to the Semi Finals &
Finals now
- Over 55's inaugural winner is Mick Reynolds. Tony Morgan has kindly offered
to sponsor the trophy
- Feedback from the Team KO semi finals has been positive,
holding 2 matches at each venue seems popular and attracted a decent support
creating a good atmosphere. Hopefully this will continue for all other Semi
Finals & Finals
- The final version of the Finals Diary is on the website under the
Competitions tab with all dates & venues finalised where possible (just a
couple of Finals to be confirmed when finalists are known). Special thanks to
all venues for accommodating us and especially Dawley
for opening up specially on Tuesday's for us
- Tom Mulholland had a fantastic 102 break in the final frame of the Trebles
Semi Final especially in the circumstances of going on 120 behind and almost
completing the comeback of all comebacks as he came within an inch of a total
Dress code: Noel asked for thoughts on where the line be drawn and it was
agreed to stick to the rule of collared shirt, trousers and shoes for all Semi
Finals & Finals. If anyone wishes this to be amended to include Polo shirts
etc then they would have to propose a rule change at the AGM
Post. None.
A.O.B. None.