Minutes of meeting held at Sir John Bayley Club

Thursday 18th October 2012


Present: Rob Withington, Andy Kendrick, Pete Clarke, Dave Dudley, Dickie Oliver, Steve Weatherall, Mike Healy.


Apologies: Alan Turner, Nigel Stallard, John Banks.


  1. Meeting called to order at 7.33 pm.


  1. Adoption of previous meetings minutes.

Proposed: Steve Weatherall - Seconded: Dave Dudley


  1. Matters arising.

Andy Kendrick reported that the issue with the Bye in each division had now been resolved and in response to Pete Clarke’s question that the Inter Town draw had not yet been made.


  1. Chairmans Report.

Rob Withington said he was disappointed to see yet another poor turn out for the meeting especially from the main committee and thanked the co-opted members for attending.  It was suggested that we may publish the meeting minutes on the web site once they had been adopted so that members could see what was being discussed.


  1. Treasurers Report.

Only change to accounts was the receipt of the league sponsorship from Chris Hardy Tyres although we were still awaiting other sponsors monies.


  1. Secretaries Report.  Not Present.


  1. Competition Secretaries Report. 

Nigel Stallard had sent his apologies and a written report to be read out.  All draws had been made for competitions. Thanks to members who ran the divisional individual competition the week before and maybe we should have an incentive for volunteers.  Any members who had entered competitions but not provided a contact number put themselves at risk of elimination.


  1. Future Planning.  None at present.


  1. Post.  None.


  1. AOB.

Steve Weatherall commented that it was good to see the league tables being published in the news paper each week and that no one from Shifnal was left in the divisional individual for the next round where the tournament is to be held.  Rob Withington questioned why some weeks the match report was duplicated on the web site which would be put to the secretary at the next meeting.  All agreed that minutes would be published on the web site to inform members of the monthly meeting content.


11. Meeting Closed 8.09 pm