Of the



The Sir John Bayley Club, Haygate Road, Wellington

Thursday 16th July 2015



PRESENT: Rob Withington, Alan Turner, Andy Kendrick, Steve Weatherall, Noel Hitch, Dave Dudley, Mike Healy, Alan Davies, Les Sterling, Leigh France, Shaun Harris, Ken Davies, Ben Godding, Ryan Dudley, John Rawlins, Ian Eldridge, John Fallows, Dave France (Bayley), Frank Williams, John Darrock, Andy Shaw, Chris Griffiths, Shaun Cross, Phil Davies, Connor Hitch, Tony Morgan, Iain Atkinson, Chris Morgan Adams, Brian Aberdeen, Kelvin McLeod, Geoff French, Chris Morris, Rob Wright, Willie Brown, Terry Askew, Gurd Singh, Stuart Taylor, Craig Davies, Wayne Weeks, Dan Morris, Steve Fletcher, Ian Duffy, Pete Nolan.




1. Meeting called to order at 7.38 pm.


Chairman welcomed members to the AGM and thanked them for their attendance.


2. Formal adoption of minutes.


Minutes accepted as a true record.    Proposed – Mr Ken Davies

Seconded – Mr Mike Healy


3. Officers Reports.


a)    Chairman’s Report


Chairman Mr Rob Withington thanked Mr Pete Nolan, Mr Barry Roden and Mr Tony Morgan for sponsoring the league last season as well as the serving officers and committee members.  He also commented that once again the league had been played to a high standard including a century break and congratulated Mr John Fallows on his 93 break in competition.


            b) Secretary’s Report


Secretary Mr Alan Turner thanked the other committee members, especially Mr Angus Way for stepping into the competition secretary role, and all those that had attended monthly meetings during the season.  He commented that once again there was a poor turn out at the annual presentation evening and that perhaps this is something we should look at in future meetings.


c) Competition Secretary’s Report


Competition Secretary Mr Angus Way was unable to attend and his report was read out on his behalf in which he said that unfortunately he was unable to continue in the role due to work commitments.  He made a special thanks to the committee, Mr Steve Weatherall and Mr Noel Hitch for helping out with the competition draws and to the referees especially Mr Willie Brown and Mr Frank Williams.


Although the season had run fairly smoothly he did point out that the miss rule had once again caused some arguments which was unacceptable and that the dress code in semi finals and finals had become a little lax.  He asked that going forward matches were played in a fair manner and that the dress code was adhered to out of respect for opponents.


d) Treasurer’s Report


Treasurer Mr Andy Kendrick also thanked the league sponsors for their generosity.  He said that he felt it was time for the league to go to a two division format which would make the season longer and increase the prize fund.


He pointed out that, to his knowledge, for the first time in league history we had been able to pay out virtually the same amount of money that had been collected in weekly cue fees and that this was thanks to the hard work put in by serving committees over the years.


Accounts presented and formally adopted by members.



4. Appointment of serving officers


Competition Secretary Mr Angus Way had retired and therefore a block vote was taken on the remaining committee members.  Mr Noel Hitch was voted in as Competition Secretary.


President                                 VACANT

Chairman                                Mr Rob Withington

Secretary                                Mr Alan Turner

Competition Secretary            Mr Noel Hitch

Treasurer                                Mr Andy Kendrick


Mr Pete Clarke had retired as committee member and was replaced by Mr John Rawlins.


Committee Members              Mr Dave Dudley, Mr Mike Healy

                                                Mr Roland Hassall, Mr John Rawlins.


5. Proposals


a)    Mr Phil Davies had proposed that only the top 3 or 4 teams in each division receive a cash prize:


Top 3 only = 6 votes

Top 4 only = 0 votes

Retain existing rule = 29 votes




b)    Mr John Rawlins proposed to increase cue fees to £2 per player per week.




c)    Mr Noel Hitch proposed to introduce a new over 55’s competition.




6. Meeting Closed


Chairman Mr Rob Withington thanked members and closed the meeting at 8.20 pm.