Of the



The Sir John Bayley Club, Haygate Road, Wellington

Thursday 18th July 2013



PRESENT: Rob Withington, Alan Turner, Andy Kendrick, Steve Weatherall, Nigel Stallard, Ian Atkinson, Dave Dudley, Angus Way, John Banks, Mike Healy, Will Brown, Joe Rixom, Alan Davies, Les Stirling, Terry Askew, Ken Davies, Stu Wimbush, Steve Smallwood, Chris Morris, Dave France, Ian Ferriday, Chris Morgan Adams, Noel Hitch, Ryan Dudley, Pete Nolan.


APOLOGIES: Pete Clarke.



1. Meeting called to order at 7.30 pm.


Chairman welcomed members to the AGM and thanked them for their attendance.



2. Formal adoption of minutes.


Minutes accepted as a true record.    Proposed – Mr Mike Healy

Seconded – Mr Ian Ferriday



3. Officers Reports.


a)    Chairman’s Report


Chairman Mr Rob Withington said that he felt it had been a good year for the league with a high standard of snooker but that he hoped we could fill the 3 byes that we currently have.  He thanked all those involved in the presentation evening, the league committee, all who had attended monthly meetings throughout the season (which was open to all members) and finally Mr Chris Hardy for his sponsorship of the league.


            b) Secretary’s Report


Secretary Mr Alan Turner reported that there had been no major issues during the season and would like to thank the committee members and especially all those that had attended the meetings during the year which are held on the third Thursday of every month.  The highlight of the season had been Bayley Z’s achievement by winning the Team Knockout Competition but also that the league had lost a true friend in Roy Francis.


c) Competition Secretary’s Report


Competition Secretary Mr Nigel Stallard reported that once again any disputes during the season had mainly been sorted out between players and that no major issues had arisen.  There had been a couple of occasions where players had turned up for semi finals or finals and had not followed the new dress code.  Because this was the first year this dress code had been in force there were no penalties incurred but that would not be the case this season and any player not adhering would be eliminated.  Thanks went to all those who had helped out in any way in organising or refereeing during the season.












d) Treasurer’s Report


Treasurer Mr Andy Kendrick thanked incoming chairman Mr Rob Withington for his work during his first year in charge.  Due to the 3 byes in the league there was a drop of around £800 in cue and competition fees but as the league had voted to reduce expenditure on the presentation evening that the prize fund only had to drop by £250.  He also asked if there was anyone who was willing to sponsor the league.


Accounts presented and formally adopted by members.



4. Appointment of serving officers


As all serving officers had agreed to remain in post a block vote was taken and the committee remains unchanged:


President                                 VACANT

Chairman                                Mr Rob Withington

Secretary                                Mr Alan Turner

Competition Secretary            Mr Nigel Stallard

Treasurer                                Mr Andy Kendrick

Committee Members              Mr Dave Dudley, Mr Pete Clarke

                                                Mr John Banks, Mr Mike Healy.



5. Proposals


a)    Andy Kendrick proposed a change to rule 2a to limit honorariums to 10% of league cue fees and be shared equally between the committee.




6. Meeting Closed


Chairman Mr Rob Withington thanked members and closed the meeting at 7.50 pm.